Dental Extractions

Dental extractions are advised when a particular tooth is damaged beyond repair due to decay, infection, traumatic injury, fracture, gum disease etc. Extraction may also be required as a part of orthodontic therapy (to align the teeth) or to remove supernumerary (extra) teeth or to remove impacted teeth (teeth stuck inside the jaws). Most teeth can be extracted using simple intra-alveolar technique, using luxators and extraction forceps. Teeth which are impacted (mostly wisdom teeth and canines) or deeply fractured are removed using the trans-alveolar technique. It involves raising gum flaps to gain access to the bone which surrounds the tooth. Some of this bone may be removed. The tooth is usually divided up to allow it to be removed in parts. The socket is washed out and the gum closed with stitches. We, at The Maxfac Studio, try to make extractions as atraumatic for you as possible. Our aim is to preserve the alveolar bone that surrounds the tooth, so that rehabilitation is possible. For this, we may also advise bone grafting procedures, socket preservation procedures and alveoloplasties in the same appointment.