Dental Care for Kids

Pediatric patients (newborns to 14 year olds) are a special group of patients that require special considerations and care during dental treatment. These patients, depending on their age, may have either an entirely primary dentition (milk teeth), a secondary dentition (permanent teeth) or a combination of both. Based on the type of tooth and the age, different treatment techniques and materials are used for patients in this age group. We make sure that our little friends are pain free and comfortable during their treatment so that they leave our centre with beaming smiles.

Kids Image

While it is best for you to routinely take good care of your teeth and gums, they require special attention if you are planning a pregnancy or are pregnant. Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy increase the risk of developing gum disease. This, in turn, can affect the health of your developing baby. Also, there are certain special precautions to be taken when undergoing dental treatment during pregnancy. Keep the following points in mind to keep smiling before, during, and after pregnancy.

Before you get pregnant :

Schedule a dental appointment before getting pregnant. Get your teeth can be professionally cleaned so that your oral health can be assessed. Any oral health problems that would be a cause of concern during pregnancy can be taken care of in this stage.

Perinatal Counselling for Parents

During pregnancy :

Visit your dentist for your routine dental check-ups even during pregnancy. Pregnancy causes hormonal changes that put you at increased risk for a specific gum condition called pregnancy gingivitis. Pay special attention to any changes in your gums during pregnancy. If you notice tenderness, bleeding or gum swelling get in touch with us immediately.

Inform your dentist if you are pregnant. Provide a list of all the medicines along with their dosage and schedule to the dentist. The dentist may want to check with your gynaecologist to see if he/she has any special precautions/instructions for you to follow during any emergency dental treatment that may be required. Your dentist may need to alter your dental treatment plan based on this information.

Follow good oral hygiene practices to prevent and/or reduce oral health problems.

Rinse your mouth with lukewarm water or a mouthwash in case you suffer from morning sickness and have episodes of frequent vomiting.

Avoid sugary foods and beverages as they increase the chance of developing tooth decay.

Your baby's first teeth start developing towards the end of your first trimester. A healthy diet containing the right amounts of dairy products, cheese, and yogurt is excellent for the baby's developing teeth, gums, and bones.

After your baby is delivered :

See your dentist soon after delivery to have your entire mouth examined and gum health evaluated.

Your child’s oral care routine starts right after birth, even before the baby gets its first tooth. Contact our doctor for further information.

Tooth decay affecting the teeth of the upper jaw in infants and very young children is often referred to as nursing bottle caries. This condition results when sweetened milk or liquids with natural sugars (like formula feeds and and fruit juice) are fed to the baby using a nursing bottle. These sweetened foods stick to an infant's teeth (especially the teeth of the upper jaw) for a long time because the baby is usually lying down with a bottle in his or her mouth. Bacteria in the mouth multiply faster because of this sugar and make acids that cause teeth to decay.

Many think that baby teeth are temporary, and therefore, not important. This is absolutely wrong. Just like adult teeth, baby teeth are important for chewing, speaking, and smiling. They also serve as a guide for the adult teeth. If nursing bottle caries is left untreated it can lead to pain, infection and the need to extract the tooth. Missing baby teeth is a major cause of crooked adult teeth which later need to be corrected using braces.

Prevention and Management of Nursing Bottle Caries Before and-Management-of-Nursing-Bottle After image

Practising the following steps can help prevent nursing bottle caries :

Wipe the baby's gums clean with a damp gauze pad or soft washcloth after each feed.

When your baby’s first tooth comes in you should start brushing your child’s teeth. If you choose to use toothpaste, ensure that it is a fluoride-free one until the age of 2 years.

Clean and massage gums in areas without teeth.

Start flossing once all the baby teeth have come in.

Once your child is 2 years old, make sure he/she is getting enough fluoride, which helps lessen cavities. If your local water supply does not contain fluoride, ask your dentist if you need to use a supplement.

Schedule regular dental visits for your child once he/she turns one.

Ask your dentist about special pit and fissure sealant coatings, which can help prevent tooth decay in children.

Management of Periodontal Recession

Fluoride is a mineral that occurs naturally in many foods as well as drinking water. Fluoride makes the tooth more resistant to acid attacks from plaque bacteria and sugars and thus helps prevent tooth decay. It also helps to reverse early decay. In children under 6 years of age, fluoride becomes incorporated into the developing adult teeth, making it difficult for acids to harm the teeth. Fluoride also disrupts acid production in already erupted teeth of both children and adults. It is very important for infants and children between the ages of 6 months and 16 years to be exposed to fluoride. This is the time frame during which the primary and permanent teeth come in.

Although Fluoride is present in food, water and toothpastes, sometimes the quantity is insufficient to have benefit. Thus it is advisable to take our dentist’s opinion on whether you and/or your child require professional Fluoride treatments or not.

We offer Fluoride treatments in the form of gels, foams and varnishes. These help in meeting your Fluoride requirements. These treatments are especially recommended in the following conditions:

Flouride Aplication For Caries Prevention

Patients with diseases leading to dryness of mouth

Patients with gum diseases

Patients undergoing radiation therapy in the head and neck region

Patients with crowns and/or bridges or braces

Patients with high caries index

Fluoride has its advantages, but it should be used only under the dentist’s supervision. Excess doses of Professional Fluoride can be harmful to your body and may lead to Fluorosis.

Thumb sucking, nail biting, lip biting, tongue thrusting and mouth breathing etc. all fall under the category of oral habits. Some habits like thumb sucking are considered normal in infants up to a certain age. If these habits are not controlled, they may lead to gums diseases, change in the shape of jaws & changes in the teeth position.

In order to control these habits and prevent any damage to the oral cavity and face, special appliances are designed and fabricated. These appliances are known as habit breaking appliances and they may be fixed or removable. These help train the child to give up his/her habit.

Oral habit commonly encountered in children

The mouth and face of a child or adult can be easily injured if the proper precautions are not used while participating in sports or recreational activities.

Practise the following steps to help prevent sports injuries to your head, face and teeth :

Wear a mouth guard when playing contact sports. Mouth guards can help prevent injury to a person’s jaw, mouth and teeth and they are significantly less expensive than the cost to treat an injury. Dentists make customized mouth guards, which provide the best fit.

Wear a helmet with a face shield. Helmets absorb the energy of an impact and help prevent damage to the head. The face shield prevents any damage to your face.

Wear protective eyewear. Eyes are extremely vulnerable to damage, especially when playing sports.

Prevention and Management of Sports Injuries

Interceptive orthodontics refers to the orthodontic treatment given to a child when the first signs of malocclusion appear. Instead of waiting for the malocclusion to worsen until the child grows up, we treat the condition right when the adult teeth are developing, thus preventing the malocclusion from setting in, in the first place. This helps in correct development of the teeth, face and jaws thus reducing patient discomfort, treatment duration and treatment costs. It ensure that the results obtained are stable, functional and aesthetic.

Interceptive orthodontic treatment given to a child

Dentistry for Children with Special Needs

Balancing the needs of a special needs child is very challenging for parents. Pressing medical conditions often take focus and dental care is most likely ignored. Studies conclude that children with special needs are almost twice as likely to suffer from dental problems as compared to children without special needs. Depending on their medical condition, they may have missing teeth or extra teeth, jaws defects, gum diseases or be prone to tooth decay and dryness of mouth. It is mandatory to schedule periodic dental visits for this group of patients so that existing problems can be identified and treated, and preventive measures can be instituted.

If you are the parent of a special needs child, it's important that you pay particular attention to his/her dental health care. A good set of teeth in a healthy mouth ensure that your child can enjoy the nutritious food you provide and sport a beaming smile!

Dentistry for Children with Special needs